JSCert: Certified JavaScript

Table of Contents

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No admitted proofs

Note: in our development files, we use "Admitted" instead of "Qed" in many places, for the purpose of significantly reducing the compilation time; nevertheless, our proofs are complete and compilation succeeds when replacing "Admitted" with "Qed".

Structure of the development

  • Utility files
    • Shared.v : general-purpose definitions to complement the TLC library
    • JsNumber.v : bindings for floating point number definitions from the Flocq library
  • Common files
    • JsSyntax.v : definition of abstract syntax tree (AST)
    • JsSyntaxInfos.v : annotation of the AST with sets of labels (used by the semantics of break and continue)
    • JsPreliminary.v : definition of auxiliary functions for the semantics (e.g. operations on heap, functions to implement type conversion)
    • JsInit.v : definition of the state of the initial JS heap
  • JSCert-specific files
    • JsPrettyInterm.v : intermediate forms used by the pretty-big-step semantics
    • JsPrettyRules.v : evaluation rules of the pretty-big-step semantics
  • JSRef-specific files
    • JsInterpreter.v : definition of JSRef, including monadic operators
    • JsInterpreterExtraction.v : commands to properly extract OCaml code for JsRef
  • Correctness of JSRef w.r.t. JSCert
    • JsCorrectness.v
  • Auxiliary files : technical definitions (e.g. definition of comparison functions)
    • JsSyntaxAux.v
    • JsPreliminaryAux.v
    • JsPrettyIntermAux.v

Abbreviation used in the files

The following abbreviation is used in a systematic way throughout our developments.

  • prog for program
  • stat for statement
  • expr for expression
  • prim for primitive value
  • seq for sequence of (programs or statements)
  • loc for location
  • prop for property
  • propname for property name
  • propbody for body of a property definition
  • funcbody for body of a function definition
  • propdefs for property definition (name and body)
  • funcdecl for function declaration
  • op for operator
  • mathop for mathematical operator
  • undef for undefined
  • env for environment
  • decl for declarative
  • ctx for context
  • ref for reference
  • args for arguments
  • proto for prototype
  • spec for specification
  • inst for instantiation
  • res for result (completion triple)
  • restype for result type
  • resvalue for result value
  • out for outcome
  • div for diverge
  • ter for terminate
  • val for value
  • ret for return
  • func for function

Abstract syntax tree (JsSyntax.v)

Definition of the AST for expressions (type expr) and statements (type stat). For example, the while-loop construct (stat_while) takes as argument the set of labels annotating the loop (allowing for named break and named continue statements), the termination condition, and the body of the loop.

Inductive expr :=
  | expr_this : expr
  | expr_identifier : string -> expr
  | expr_literal : literal -> expr
  | expr_object : list (propname * propbody) -> expr
  | expr_function : option string -> list string -> funcbody -> expr
  | expr_access : expr -> expr -> expr
  | expr_member : expr -> string -> expr
  | expr_new : expr -> list expr -> expr
  | expr_call : expr -> list expr -> expr
  | expr_unary_op : unary_op -> expr -> expr
  | expr_binary_op : expr -> binary_op -> expr -> expr
  | expr_conditional : expr -> expr -> expr -> expr
  | expr_assign : expr -> option binary_op -> expr -> expr
with stat := 
  | stat_expr : expr -> stat
  | stat_label : string -> stat -> stat
  | stat_block : list stat -> stat
  | stat_var_decl : list (string * option expr) -> stat
  | stat_if : expr -> stat -> option stat -> stat
  | stat_do_while : label_set -> stat -> expr -> stat
  | stat_while : label_set -> expr -> stat -> stat
  | stat_with : expr -> stat -> stat
  | stat_throw : expr -> stat
  | stat_return : option expr -> stat
  | stat_break : label -> stat
  | stat_continue : label ->  stat
  | stat_try : stat -> option (string * stat) -> option stat -> stat (* Note: try s1 [catch (x) s2] [finally s3] *)
  | stat_for : label_set -> option expr -> option expr -> option expr -> stat -> stat (* Note: for (e1; e2; e3) stat *)
  | stat_for_var : label_set -> list (string * option expr) -> option expr -> option expr -> stat -> stat (* Note: for (var ...; e2; e3) stat *)
  | stat_for_in : label_set -> expr -> expr -> stat -> stat (* Note: for (e1 in e2) stat *)
  | stat_for_in_var : label_set -> string -> option expr -> expr -> stat -> stat (*  Note: for (var x [= e1] in e2) stat *)
  | stat_debugger : stat
  | stat_switch : label_set -> expr -> switchbody -> stat

A full program (type prog) consists of a stricteness flag and a list of "elements", which can be either statements of function declarations.

with prog :=
  | prog_intro : strictness_flag -> list element -> prog
with element :=
  | element_stat : stat -> element
  | element_func_decl : string -> list string -> funcbody -> element.

A function declaration consists of a name for the function, a list of names for the parameter, and a body.

Record funcdecl := funcdecl_intro {
   funcdecl_name : string;
   funcdecl_parameters : list string;
   funcdecl_body : funcbody }.

The function body simply consists of a full program, plus a string representation of the source code of the function.

with funcbody :=
  | funcbody_intro : prog -> string -> funcbody

Record notation: in Coq, a record value can be build by applying a function, called the record constructor, whose name appears at the head of the record prototype. For example, in the definition of the record type "funcdecl" shown above, "funcdecl_intro" is declared as name for the constructor, meaning that a Coq expression of the form "funcdecl_intro name params body" builds a record of type "funcdecl".

The grammar above refer to auxiliary definitions. For example, a literal (type literal) is one of: null, a boolean, a number, or a string.

Inductive literal :=
  | literal_null : literal
  | literal_bool : bool -> literal
  | literal_number : number -> literal
  | literal_string : string -> literal.

We also have grammars (not shown) describing the set of all unary and binary JS operators.

Remark: the label sets (type label_set) annotating the loop statements are not provided by the parser, but computed by a Coq function defined in the file "JsSyntaxInfos.v". They correspond to the set of labels immediately preceeding the loop keyword. These labels may be used as target of "break" and "continue" statements.

Semantic entities (JsSyntax.v)

A value in JS is either the location of an object (type object_loc) or a primitive value (type prim).

Inductive value :=
  | value_prim : prim -> value
  | value_object : object_loc -> value.

A primitive value is one of: undefined, null, a boolean, a number, or a string.

Inductive prim :=
  | prim_undef : prim
  | prim_null : prim
  | prim_bool : bool -> prim
  | prim_number : number -> prim
  | prim_string : string -> prim.

Several internal type conversion algorithms rely on the notion of type of a value, given by the following grammar.

Inductive type :=
  | type_undef : type
  | type_null : type
  | type_bool : type
  | type_number : type
  | type_string : type
  | type_object : type.

The heap maps object locations (type object_loc) to objects (type object). Objects are defined as a record that includes many field. In particular, each object has a prototype object (or null), a class name, an extensible flag, an optional primitive value (for, e.g., strings), and a table of properties. The record representing an object also contains several internal methods that can be applied to the object, such as "get_own_property" or "delete", and optional internal methods, such as "call", an internal method that is supported only by function objects.

Record object := object_intro {
   object_proto_ : value;
   object_class_ : class_name;
   object_extensible_ : bool;
   object_prim_value_ : option value;
   object_properties_ : object_properties_type;
   object_get_ : builtin_get;
   object_get_own_prop_ : builtin_get_own_prop;
   object_get_prop_ : builtin_get_prop;
   object_put_ : builtin_put;
   object_can_put_ : builtin_can_put;
   object_has_prop_ : builtin_has_prop;
   object_delete_ : builtin_delete;
   object_default_value_ : builtin_default_value;
   object_define_own_prop_ : builtin_define_own_prop;
   object_construct_ : option construct;
   object_call_ : option call ;
   object_has_instance_ : option builtin_has_instance;
   object_scope_ : option lexical_env;
   object_formal_parameters_ : option (list string);
   object_code_ : option funcbody;
   object_target_function_ : option object_loc;
   object_bound_this_ : option value;
   object_bound_args_ : option (list value);
   object_parameter_map_ : option object_loc }.

The table property that each object has is a finite map from property names (type string) to property attributes (type attribute).

Definition object_properties_type :=
  Heap.heap prop_name attributes.

Property attributes may be of two kind: data property attributes (type attributes_data) or accessor property attributes (type attributes_accessor).

Inductive attributes :=
  | attributes_data_of : attributes_data -> attributes
  | attributes_accessor_of : attributes_accessor -> attributes.

A "full descriptor" is either a property attribute or "undefined".

Inductive full_descriptor :=
  | full_descriptor_undef : full_descriptor
  | full_descriptor_some : attributes -> full_descriptor.

Both data and accessor property attributes feature enumerable and configurable flags; data attributes feature a value field and a writable flag; accessor attributes feature a getter and a setter field.

Record attributes_data := attributes_data_intro {
   attributes_data_value : value;
   attributes_data_writable : bool;
   attributes_data_enumerable : bool;
   attributes_data_configurable : bool }.
Record attributes_accessor := attributes_accessor_intro {
   attributes_accessor_get : value;
   attributes_accessor_set : value;
   attributes_accessor_enumerable : bool;
   attributes_accessor_configurable : bool }.

When executing internal methods of the JS semantics, property attributes may be processed in a uniform manner, where fields and flags may or may not be present. We represent this structure using the property descriptor data type.

Record descriptor := descriptor_intro {
   descriptor_value : option value;
   descriptor_writable : option bool;
   descriptor_get : option value;
   descriptor_set : option value;
   descriptor_enumerable : option bool;
   descriptor_configurable : option bool }.

The execution context is made of a lexical environment, a variable environment (almost the same thing), a value associated with the current "this" object, and the current strictness flag (strict or non-strict).

Record execution_ctx := execution_ctx_intro {
   execution_ctx_lexical_env : lexical_env;
   execution_ctx_variable_env : lexical_env;
   execution_ctx_this_binding : value;
   execution_ctx_strict : strictness_flag }.

A lexical (or variable) environment (type lexical_env) is a list of pointers on environment records (type env_record). Environment records are of two kind: declarative environment records and object environment records.

Definition lexical_env := list env_loc.
Inductive env_record :=
  | env_record_decl : decl_env_record -> env_record
  | env_record_object : object_loc -> provide_this_flag -> env_record.

An object environment record is simply made of the location of a JS object, and a "provide-this" flag. A declarative environment record consists of a finite map from names (type string) to pairs of a mutability status (type mutability) and a JS value.

Definition lexical_env := list env_loc.
Inductive env_record :=
  | env_record_decl : decl_env_record -> env_record
  | env_record_object : object_loc -> provide_this_flag -> env_record.
Inductive mutability :=
  | mutability_uninitialized_immutable
  | mutability_immutable
  | mutability_nondeletable
  | mutability_deletable.

The complete mutable state of a JS program (type state) includes the object heap, which maps object location (type object_loc) to objects (type object), and the environement record heap, which maps environment addresses (type env_loc) to environment records (type env_record). In addition, the state includes an infinite stream of fresh locations (to be consumed to pick fresh locations), and a list of events that may be used in the future to describe the semantics of "for-in".

Record state := state_intro {
   state_object_heap : Heap.heap object_loc object;
   state_env_record_heap : Heap.heap env_loc env_record;
   state_fresh_locations : stream nat;
   state_event_list : list event }.

Result of an evaluation (JsSyntax.v)

The semantics of JS variable resolution makes use of "references" (type ref), which consists of a base (either a value or a reference on an environment record), a property name (type string), and a strictness flag.

Record ref := ref_intro {
  ref_base : ref_base_type;
  ref_name : prop_name;
  ref_strict : bool }.
Inductive ref_base_type :=
  | ref_base_type_value : value -> ref_base_type
  | ref_base_type_env_loc : env_loc -> ref_base_type.

The evaluation of a terminating program, statement or expression produces as result a "completion triple" (type res), which consists of (1) a result type (type restype), among normal, break, continue, return, or throw; (2) a result value (type resvalue), among "empty", a JS value, or a reference; and (3) a result label, which is either "empty" or a string.

Inductive res := res_intro {
  res_type : restype;
  res_value : resvalue;
  res_label : label }.
Inductive restype :=
  | restype_normal
  | restype_break
  | restype_continue
  | restype_return
  | restype_throw.
Inductive resvalue :=
  | resvalue_empty : resvalue
  | resvalue_value : value -> resvalue
  | resvalue_ref : ref -> resvalue.
Inductive label :=
   | label_empty : label
   | label_string : string -> label.

We introduce smart constructors to build the empty result (normal result type, empty result value, empty label), a return result on a value v (normal result type, v as result value, empty label), a the break result on a label L, (break result type, empty result value, L as label), etc…

Definition res_empty := res_intro restype_normal resvalue_empty label_empty.
Definition res_break labo := res_intro restype_break resvalue_empty labo.
Definition res_continue labo := res_intro restype_continue resvalue_empty labo.
Definition res_return v := res_intro restype_return v label_empty.
Definition res_throw v := res_intro restype_throw v label_empty.

Coercion mechanism. The most common result type is "normal" with an empty label. We therefore declare in Coq a "coercion" from "restype" to "res", meaning that whenever we provide a result value where a result is expected, we implicitly mean to use "normal" as result type and "empty" as label. The declaration of the coercion takes the following form.

Coercion res_normal rv := res_intro restype_normal rv label_empty.

Similarly, we rely on coercions to automatically case expressions of type value or ref into normal results.

Coercion res_val (v : value) := res_intro restype_normal v label_empty.
Coercion res_ref (r : ref) := res_intro restype_normal r label_empty.

Outcome of an evaluation (JsSyntax.v)

A result whose type is not "normal" is said to be an "abrupt" result. Such results are treated in a particular way in the semantics; by default, they propagate outwards of expressions and statements.

Definition abrupt_res R :=
  res_type R <> restype_normal.

The evaluation of a JS program (or statement or expression) may also diverge. So, we define the "outcome" (type out) of a JS program to be either divergence ("div") or termination ("ter"). Upon termination, we get the final state and the final result.

Inductive out :=
  | out_div : out
  | out_ter : state -> res -> out.

The evaluation of internal functions of the semantics may produce output that are not completion triples (type res). To handle those, we introduce the type "specret". More precisely, a value of type "specret T" consists either an output value of type T in a given final state, or an abrupt outcome (either divergence or an abrupt result).

Inductive specret (T : Type) :=
  | specret_val : state -> T -> specret T
  | specret_out : out -> specret T.

Semantics of operations on the heap (JsPreliminary.v)

We define a collection of auxiliary predicates to describe properties of the state. For example, "object_binds" asserts that in a state "S", at location "l" we find an object "O" (of type object).

Definition object_binds S l O :=
  Heap.binds (state_object_heap S) l O.

We use high-level predicates to directly describe particular object fields. For example, we can use the predicate "object_binds_property" to assert that in a heap S, the object at location "l" binds the property name "x" to the attributes "A".

Definition object_binds_property S l x A :=
  exists O, object_binds S l O /\ Heap.binds (object_properties_ O) x A.

Similary, we have predicates for updating pieces of the state. For example, we can use the predicate "object_set_property" to describe the fact that S' is the heap obtained by updating the heap S in such a way that the object at location "l" now binds the property name "x" to the given attribute "A".

Definition object_set_property S l x A S' :=
  object_heap_map_properties S l (fun P => Heap.write P x A) S'.

The definition relies an two auxiliary functions shown below, one to update a given object in the state, and one to update a given property in a given object.

Definition object_heap_map_properties S l F S' :=
  exists O, object_binds S l O
         /\ S' = object_write S l (object_map_properties O F).
Definition object_map_properties O F :=
  object_with_properties O (F (object_properties_ O)).

We have a collection of similar predicates to describe other frequently-used fields of objects. We also have similar predicates for describing updates to environment records.

Semantics of gathering variable declarations (JsPreliminary.v)

An important operation used in the description of the treatment of variable binding in JS is the gathering of variable declaration in a piece of code. We use for this purpose a recursive function that traverse the code, but does not step into function bodies.

Fixpoint stat_vardecl (t : stat) : list string :=
  match t with
  | stat_expr _ => nil
  | stat_label _ s => stat_vardecl s
  | stat_block ts => LibList.concat (List.map stat_vardecl ts) 
  | stat_var_decl nes => LibList.map fst nes
  | stat_if e s1 s2o => (stat_vardecl s1) ++
                           (LibOption.map stat_vardecl s2o))
  | stat_do_while _ s _ => stat_vardecl s
  | stat_while _ _ s => stat_vardecl s
  | stat_with _ s => stat_vardecl s
  | stat_throw _ => nil
  | stat_return _ => nil
  | stat_break _ => nil
  | stat_continue _ => nil
  | stat_try s sco sfo => (stat_vardecl s) ++
                                (fun sc => stat_vardecl (snd sc)) sco)) ++
                             (LibOption.map stat_vardecl sfo))
  | stat_for _ _ _ _ s => stat_vardecl s
  | stat_for_var _ nes _ _ s => LibList.map fst nes ++ stat_vardecl s
  | stat_for_in _ _ _ s => stat_vardecl s
  | stat_for_in_var _ str _ _ s => str :: stat_vardecl s
  | stat_debugger => nil
  | stat_switch _ _ sb => switchbody_vardecl sb

with switchbody_vardecl (sb : switchbody) : list string :=
  match sb with
  | switchbody_nodefault scl => LibList.concat (List.map switchclause_vardecl scl)
  | switchbody_withdefault scl1 sl scl2 =>
    (LibList.concat (List.map switchclause_vardecl scl1)) ++
    (LibList.concat (List.map stat_vardecl sl)) ++
    (LibList.concat (List.map switchclause_vardecl scl2))

with switchclause_vardecl (sc : switchclause) : list string :=
  match sc with
  | switchclause_intro _ sl => LibList.concat (List.map stat_vardecl sl)
Definition element_vardecl (el : element) : list string :=
  match el with
  | element_stat t => stat_vardecl t
  | element_func_decl name args bd => nil
Definition prog_vardecl (p : prog) : list string :=
  LibList.concat (LibList.map element_vardecl (prog_elements p)).

Similarly, we need to gather function declarations occuring in a given program code.

Definition prog_funcdecl (p : prog) : list funcdecl :=
  LibList.concat (LibList.map element_funcdecl (prog_elements p)).
Definition element_funcdecl (el : element) : list funcdecl :=
  match el with
  | element_stat _ => nil
  | element_func_decl name args bd =>
      funcdecl_intro name args bd :: nil

Semantics of type conversion and comparison (JsPreliminary.v)

To specify type conversion, we define the auxiliary functions implementing, e.g., conversion of JS values into boolean values.

Definition convert_value_to_boolean v :=
  match v with
  | value_prim p => convert_prim_to_boolean p
  | value_object _ => true
Definition convert_prim_to_boolean w :=
  match w with
  | prim_undef => false
  | prim_null => false
  | prim_bool b => b
  | prim_number n => convert_number_to_bool n
  | prim_string s => convert_string_to_bool s
Definition convert_number_to_bool n :=
  ifb (n = JsNumber.zero \/ n = JsNumber.neg_zero \/ n = JsNumber.nan)
    then false
    else true.

As another example, we show below the conversion from primitive values to numbers.

Definition convert_prim_to_number w :=
  match w with
  | prim_undef => JsNumber.nan
  | prim_null => JsNumber.zero
  | prim_bool b => if b then JsNumber.one else JsNumber.zero
  | prim_number n => n
  | prim_string s => JsNumber.from_string s

We also define the implementation of inequality test for primitive values. If the two primitive values are string, they are compared with respect to string order. Otherwise, they are converted to number and compared with respect to the inequality test on numbers.

Definition inequality_test_primitive w1 w2 : prim :=
  match w1, w2 with
  | prim_string s1, prim_string s2 => inequality_test_string s1 s2
  | _, _ => inequality_test_number (convert_prim_to_number w1) (convert_prim_to_number w2)

Inequality on strings is defined as lexicographical order.

Fixpoint inequality_test_string s1 s2 : bool :=
  match s1, s2 with
  | _, EmptyString => false
  | EmptyString, String _ _ => true
  | String c1 s1', String c2 s2' =>
     ifb c1 = c2
       then inequality_test_string s1' s2'
       else decide (int_of_char c1 < int_of_char c2)

Inequality on numbers needs to handle all the special cases, in particular not-a-number values and negative zero values.

Definition inequality_test_number n1 n2 : prim :=
  ifb n1 = JsNumber.nan \/ n2 = JsNumber.nan then prim_undef
  else ifb n1 = n2 then false
  else ifb n1 = JsNumber.zero /\ n2 = JsNumber.neg_zero then false
  else ifb n1 = JsNumber.neg_zero /\ n2 = JsNumber.zero then false
  else ifb n1 = JsNumber.infinity then false
  else ifb n2 = JsNumber.infinity then true
  else ifb n2 = JsNumber.neg_infinity then false
  else ifb n1 = JsNumber.neg_infinity then true
  else JsNumber.lt_bool n1 n2.

Axiomatization of parsing (JsPreliminary.v)

We do not formalize parsing of JS code. Since it is needed to formalize the semantics of "eval", we axiomatize it in Coq, using the three axioms below.

Axiom parse : string -> option prog -> Prop.
Axiom parse_exists : forall s, exists oprog, parse s oprog.
Axiom parse_pickable : forall s, Pickable (parse s).

The first one says that there exists a relation called "parse", that relates a string and to either some program, or to none (in case of parse error). The second axiom says that this relation is actually a functional relation, in the sense that every code either successfully parse or fails to parse. The third axiom states that this function is actually computable. (Remark: we followed this relation presentation because it would allow us to formally prove a parsing algorithm if we later wanted to.)

Definition of the initial state (JsInit.v)

In the initial JS state, several pre-defined objects are allocated. The definition below shows the ones that our formalization covers. (Remark: we needed to split the definition in 5 groups in order to work around an efficiency bug in Coq.)

Definition object_heap_initial_function_objects_1 (h : Heap.heap object_loc object) :=
  (* ThrowTypeError Function object *)
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_throw_type_error throw_type_error_object in

  (* Function objects of Global object *)
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_global_eval global_eval_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_global_is_nan global_is_nan_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_global_is_finite global_is_finite_function_object in h.
Definition object_heap_initial_function_objects_1 (h : Heap.heap object_loc object) :=
  (* ThrowTypeError Function object *)
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_throw_type_error throw_type_error_object in

  (* Function objects of Global object *)
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_global_eval global_eval_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_global_is_nan global_is_nan_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_global_is_finite global_is_finite_function_object in h.
Definition object_heap_initial_function_objects_3 (h : Heap.heap object_loc object) :=
  let h := object_heap_initial_function_objects_2 h in 
  (* Function objects of Object.prototype *)
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_proto_to_string object_proto_to_string_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_proto_value_of object_proto_value_of_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_proto_has_own_prop object_proto_has_own_prop_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_proto_is_prototype_of object_proto_is_prototype_of_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_proto_prop_is_enumerable object_proto_prop_is_enumerable_function_object in

  (* Function objects of Array.prototype *)
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_array_proto_pop array_proto_pop_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_array_proto_push array_proto_push_function_object in

  (* Function objects of String.prototype *)
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_string_proto_to_string string_proto_to_string_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_string_proto_value_of string_proto_value_of_function_object in

  (* Function objects of Boolean.prototype *)
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_bool_proto_to_string bool_proto_to_string_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_bool_proto_value_of bool_proto_value_of_function_object in h.
Definition object_heap_initial_function_objects_2 (h : Heap.heap object_loc object) :=
  let h := object_heap_initial_function_objects_1 h in 
  (* Function objects of Object *)
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_get_proto_of object_get_proto_of_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_get_own_prop_descriptor object_get_own_prop_descriptor_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_get_own_prop_name object_get_own_prop_name_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_create object_create_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_define_prop object_define_prop_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_define_props object_define_props_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_seal object_seal_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_freeze object_freeze_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_prevent_extensions object_prevent_extensions_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_is_sealed object_is_sealed_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_is_frozen object_is_frozen_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_object_is_extensible object_is_extensible_function_object in h.
Definition object_heap_initial_function_objects_1 (h : Heap.heap object_loc object) :=
  (* ThrowTypeError Function object *)
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_throw_type_error throw_type_error_object in

  (* Function objects of Global object *)
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_global_eval global_eval_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_global_is_nan global_is_nan_function_object in
  let h := Heap.write h prealloc_global_is_finite global_is_finite_function_object in h.

One of these pre-defined objects is the global object.

Definition object_prealloc_global_properties :=
  let P := Heap.empty in
  let P := write_constant P "NaN" JsNumber.nan in
  let P := write_constant P "Infinity" JsNumber.infinity in
  let P := write_constant P "undefined" undef in
  let P := write_native P "eval" prealloc_global_eval in
  let P := write_native P "isNaN" prealloc_global_is_nan in
  let P := write_native P "isFinite" prealloc_global_is_finite in
  let P := write_native P "Object" prealloc_object in
  let P := write_native P "Function" prealloc_function in
  let P := write_native P "Array" prealloc_array in
  let P := write_native P "String" prealloc_string in
  let P := write_native P "Boolean" prealloc_bool in
  let P := write_native P "Number" prealloc_number in
  let P := write_native P "Error" prealloc_error in
  let P := write_native P "EvalError" native_error_eval in
  let P := write_native P "RangeError" native_error_range in
  let P := write_native P "ReferenceError" native_error_ref in
  let P := write_native P "SyntaxError" native_error_syntax in
  let P := write_native P "TypeError" native_error_type in

The prototype and the class name of the global object are not specified in ES5, so we leave them as parameters in our formalization.

Parameter object_prealloc_global_proto : value.
Parameter object_prealloc_global_class : string.

The formalized properties of the global object are as follows.

Definition object_prealloc_global_properties :=
  let P := Heap.empty in
  let P := write_constant P "NaN" JsNumber.nan in
  let P := write_constant P "Infinity" JsNumber.infinity in
  let P := write_constant P "undefined" undef in
  let P := write_native P "eval" prealloc_global_eval in
  let P := write_native P "isNaN" prealloc_global_is_nan in
  let P := write_native P "isFinite" prealloc_global_is_finite in
  let P := write_native P "Object" prealloc_object in
  let P := write_native P "Function" prealloc_function in
  let P := write_native P "Array" prealloc_array in
  let P := write_native P "String" prealloc_string in
  let P := write_native P "Boolean" prealloc_bool in
  let P := write_native P "Number" prealloc_number in
  let P := write_native P "Error" prealloc_error in
  let P := write_native P "EvalError" native_error_eval in
  let P := write_native P "RangeError" native_error_range in
  let P := write_native P "ReferenceError" native_error_ref in
  let P := write_native P "SyntaxError" native_error_syntax in
  let P := write_native P "TypeError" native_error_type in

One of these properties is the built-in function "isNaN", whose name is bound in the global object to the object location "prealloc_global_is_nan". This object location is bound in the initial heap to the object "global_is_nan_function_object" (recall the definition of "object_heap_initial_function_objects_1"). The definition of this object is shown below, where "1" denotes the arity of the function (bound to the "length" property name), and "Heap.empty" denotes the set of other properties (which is the empty set here).

Definition global_is_nan_function_object := 
  object_create_prealloc_call prealloc_global_is_nan 1 Heap.empty.

A similar pattern is followed for all builtin functions.

Pretty-big-step intermediate forms (JsPrettyInterm.v)

The pretty-big-step semantics relies on many intermediate forms, for expressions, statements, programs, and internal methods. Below, we show only a few of the hundreds of constructors involved.

Inductive ext_expr :=

  (** Extended expressions include expressions *)

  | expr_basic : expr -> ext_expr

  (** Extended expressions associated with primitive expressions *)

  | expr_identifier_1 : specret ref -> ext_expr

  | expr_object_0 : out -> propdefs -> ext_expr
  | expr_object_1 : object_loc -> propdefs -> ext_expr
  | expr_object_2 : object_loc -> string -> propbody -> propdefs -> ext_expr 
  | expr_object_3_val : object_loc -> string -> specret value -> propdefs -> ext_expr
  | expr_object_3_get : object_loc -> string -> out -> propdefs -> ext_expr
  | expr_object_3_set : object_loc -> string -> out -> propdefs -> ext_expr
  | expr_object_4 : object_loc -> string -> attributes -> propdefs -> ext_expr
  | expr_object_5 : object_loc -> propdefs -> out -> ext_expr

  | expr_function_1 : string -> list string -> funcbody -> env_loc -> lexical_env -> out -> ext_expr
  | expr_function_2 : string -> env_loc -> out -> ext_expr
  | expr_function_3 : object_loc -> out -> ext_expr

  | expr_access_1 : specret value -> expr -> ext_expr (* The left expression has been executed *)
  | expr_access_2 : value -> specret value -> ext_expr (* The right expression is executed. *)
  | expr_access_3 : value -> out -> value -> ext_expr
  | expr_access_4 : value -> out -> ext_expr

  | expr_new_1 : (specret value) -> list expr -> ext_expr (* The arguments too. *)
  | expr_new_2 : value -> (specret (list value)) -> ext_expr (* The call has been executed. *)

  | expr_call_1 : out -> bool -> list expr -> ext_expr
  | expr_call_2 : res -> bool -> list expr -> (specret value) -> ext_expr (* The function has been evaluated. *)
  | expr_call_3 : res -> value -> bool -> (specret (list value)) -> ext_expr (* The arguments have been executed. *)
  | expr_call_4 : res -> object_loc -> bool -> list value -> ext_expr
  | expr_call_5
with ext_stat :=

  (** Extended expressions include statements *)

  | stat_basic : stat -> ext_stat

  (** Extended statements associated with primitive statements *)
  | stat_expr_1: (specret value) -> ext_stat

  | stat_block_1 : out -> stat -> ext_stat
  | stat_block_2 : resvalue -> out -> ext_stat

  | stat_label_1 : label -> out -> ext_stat

  | stat_var_decl_1 : out -> list (string * option expr) -> ext_stat
  | stat_var_decl_item : (string * option expr) -> ext_stat
  | stat_var_decl_item_1 : string -> specret ref -> expr -> ext_stat
  | stat_var_decl_item_2 : string -> ref -> (specret value) -> ext_stat
  | stat_var_decl_item_3 : string -> out -> ext_stat

  | stat_if_1 : specret value -> stat -> option stat -> ext_stat

  | stat_while_1 : label_set -> expr -> stat -> resvalue -> ext_stat
  | stat_while_2 : label_set -> expr -> stat -> resvalue -> specret value -> ext_stat
  | stat_while_3 : label_set -> expr -> stat -> resvalue -> out -> ext_stat
  | stat_while_4 : label_set -> expr -> stat -> resvalue -> res -> ext_stat
  | stat_while_5 : label_set -> expr -> stat -> resvalue -> res -> ext_stat
  | stat_while_6
with ext_prog :=

  | prog_basic : prog -> ext_prog
  | javascript_1 : out -> prog -> ext_prog
  | prog_1 : out -> element -> ext_prog
  | prog_2
with ext_spec :=
  | spec_to_int32 : value -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_int32_1 : out -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_uint32 : value -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_uint32_1 : out -> ext_spec

  | spec_expr_get_value_conv : (value -> ext_expr) -> expr -> ext_spec
  | spec_expr_get_value_conv_1 : (value -> ext_expr) -> (specret value) -> ext_spec
  | spec_expr_get_value_conv_2 : out -> ext_spec

  | spec_convert_twice : ext_expr -> ext_expr -> ext_spec
  | spec_convert_twice_1 : out -> ext_expr -> ext_spec
  | spec_convert_twice_2 : value -> out -> ext_spec

  (** Extended expressions for lists of expressions *)
  | spec_list_expr : list expr -> ext_spec
  | spec_list_expr_1 : list value -> list expr -> ext_spec
  | spec_list_expr_2 : list value -> (specret value) -> list expr -> ext_spec 

  | spec_to_descriptor : value -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_descriptor_1a : object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_descriptor_1b : out -> object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_descriptor_1c : out -> object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_descriptor_2a : object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec                            
  | spec_to_descriptor_2b : out -> object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_descriptor_2c : out -> object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_descriptor_3a : object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec                            
  | spec_to_descriptor_3b : out -> object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_descriptor_3c : out -> object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_descriptor_4a : object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec                            
  | spec_to_descriptor_4b : out -> object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_descriptor_4c : out -> object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_descriptor_5a : object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec                            
  | spec_to_descriptor_5b : out -> object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_descriptor_5c : out -> object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_descriptor_6a : object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec                            
  | spec_to_descriptor_6b : out -> object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_descriptor_6c : out -> object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec
  | spec_to_descriptor_7 : object_loc -> descriptor -> ext_spec    

  | spec_object_get_own_prop : object_loc -> prop_name -> ext_spec
  | spec_object_get_own_prop_1 : builtin_get_own_prop -> object_loc -> prop_name -> ext_spec
  | spec_object_get_own_prop_2

Pretty-big-step rules (JsPrettyRules.v)

The pretty-big-step semantics is defined by 5 judgements, which include hundreds of evaluation rules.

Inductive red_javascript : prog -> out -> Prop :=
with red_prog : state -> execution_ctx -> ext_prog -> out -> Prop :=
with red_stat : state -> execution_ctx -> ext_stat -> out -> Prop :=
with red_expr : state -> execution_ctx -> ext_expr -> out -> Prop :=
with red_spec : forall {T}, state -> execution_ctx -> ext_spec -> specret T -> Prop :=

The first judgement describes the evaluation of a complete JS program is performed by setting up the initial state and context, performing binding instantiation and executing the program body.

Inductive red_javascript : prog -> out -> Prop :=

  | red_javascript_intro : forall S C p p' o o1,
      S = state_initial ->
      p' = add_infos_prog strictness_false p ->
      C = execution_ctx_initial (prog_intro_strictness p') -> 
      red_expr S C (spec_binding_inst codetype_global None p' nil) o1 ->
      red_prog S C (javascript_1 o1 p') o ->
      red_javascript p o

The other judgements describe the evaluation of program, statements, expressions and internal methods. Each of these feature an "abort" rule, which is used to propagate exceptions and other abrupt behaviors. We postpone the discussion of abort rules to the next section. Here, we present a few examples. We only show definitions and refer to the paper for explanations.

A first example, access-expressions, i.e. expressions of the form "e1[e2]".

| red_expr_access : forall S C e1 e2 y1 o,
    red_spec S C (spec_expr_get_value e1) y1 ->
    red_expr S C (expr_access_1 y1 e2) o ->
    red_expr S C (expr_access e1 e2) o

| red_expr_access_1 : forall S0 S C v1 e2 y1 o,
    red_spec S C (spec_expr_get_value e2) y1 ->
    red_expr S C (expr_access_2 v1 y1) o ->
    red_expr S0 C (expr_access_1 (ret S v1) e2) o

| red_expr_access_2 : forall S0 S C v1 v2 o1 o,
    red_expr S C (spec_check_object_coercible v1) o1 ->
    red_expr S C (expr_access_3 v1 o1 v2) o ->
    red_expr S0 C (expr_access_2 v1 (ret S v2)) o

| red_expr_access_3 : forall S0 S C v1 v2 o1 o,
    red_expr S C (spec_to_string v2) o1 ->
    red_expr S C (expr_access_4 v1 o1) o ->
    red_expr S0 C (expr_access_3 v1 (out_void S) v2) o

| red_expr_access_4 : forall S0 S C v1 x r,
   r = ref_create_value v1 x (execution_ctx_strict C) ->
   red_expr S0 C (expr_access_4 v1 (out_ter S x)) (out_ter S r)

Another example: if-statements.

| red_stat_if : forall S C e1 t2 t3opt y1 o,
    red_spec S C (spec_expr_get_value_conv spec_to_boolean e1) y1 ->
    red_stat S C (stat_if_1 y1 t2 t3opt) o ->
    red_stat S C (stat_if e1 t2 t3opt) o

| red_stat_if_1_true : forall S0 S C t2 t3opt o,
    red_stat S C t2 o ->
    red_stat S0 C (stat_if_1 (vret S true) t2 t3opt) o

| red_stat_if_1_false : forall S0 S C t2 t3 o,
    red_stat S C t3 o ->
    red_stat S0 C (stat_if_1 (vret S false) t2 (Some t3)) o

| red_stat_if_1_false_implicit : forall S0 S C t2,
    red_stat S0 C (stat_if_1 (vret S false) t2 None) (out_ter S resvalue_empty)

Another example: semantics of while-loop statements.

| red_stat_while : forall S C labs e1 t2 o,
    red_stat S C (stat_while_1 labs e1 t2 resvalue_empty) o ->
    red_stat S C (stat_while labs e1 t2) o

(* Steps 2a and 2b: red_while_2a_2b in POPL14 *)
| red_stat_while_1 : forall S C labs e1 t2 rv y1 o,
    red_spec S C (spec_expr_get_value_conv spec_to_boolean e1) y1 ->
    red_stat S C (stat_while_2 labs e1 t2 rv y1) o ->
    red_stat S C (stat_while_1 labs e1 t2 rv) o

(* Step 2b False: red_while_2b'_false in POPL14 *)
| red_stat_while_2_false : forall S0 S C labs e1 t2 rv,
    red_stat S0 C (stat_while_2 labs e1 t2 rv (vret S false)) (out_ter S rv)

(* Step 2b True and 2c: red_while_2b'_true_2c in POPL14 *)
| red_stat_while_2_true : forall S0 S C labs e1 t2 rv o1 o,
    red_stat S C t2 o1 ->
    red_stat S C (stat_while_3 labs e1 t2 rv o1) o ->
    red_stat S0 C (stat_while_2 labs e1 t2 rv (vret S true)) o

(* Step 2d: red_while_2d in POPL14 *)
| red_stat_while_3 : forall rv S0 S C labs e1 t2 rv' R o,
    rv' = (If res_value R <> resvalue_empty then res_value R else rv) ->
    red_stat S C (stat_while_4 labs e1 t2 rv' R) o ->
    red_stat S0 C (stat_while_3 labs e1 t2 rv (out_ter S R)) o

(* Step 2e False: red_while_2e_false in POPL14 *)
| red_stat_while_4_continue : forall S C labs e1 t2 rv R o,
    res_type R = restype_continue /\ res_label_in R labs ->
    red_stat S C (stat_while_1 labs e1 t2 rv) o ->
    red_stat S C (stat_while_4 labs e1 t2 rv R) o

(* Step 2e True: red_while_2e_true in POPL14 *)
| red_stat_while_4_not_continue : forall S C labs e1 t2 rv R o,
    ~ (res_type R = restype_continue /\ res_label_in R labs) ->
    red_stat S C (stat_while_5 labs e1 t2 rv R) o ->
    red_stat S C (stat_while_4 labs e1 t2 rv R) o

(* Step 2e i True: red_while_2e_i_true in POPL14 *)
| red_stat_while_5_break : forall S C labs e1 t2 rv R,
    res_type R = restype_break /\ res_label_in R labs ->
    red_stat S C (stat_while_5 labs e1 t2 rv R) (out_ter S rv)

(* Step 2e i False: red_while_2e_i_false in POPL14 *)
| red_stat_while_5_not_break : forall S C labs e1 t2 rv R o,
    ~ (res_type R = restype_break /\ res_label_in R labs) ->
    red_stat S C (stat_while_6 labs e1 t2 rv R) o ->
    red_stat S C (stat_while_5 labs e1 t2 rv R) o

(* Step 2e ii True: red_while_2e_ii_true in POPL14 *)
| red_stat_while_6_abort : forall S C labs e1 t2 rv R,
    res_type R <> restype_normal ->
    red_stat S C (stat_while_6 labs e1 t2 rv R) (out_ter S R)

(* Step 2e ii False: red_while_2e_ii_false in POPL14 *)
| red_stat_while_6_normal : forall S C labs e1 t2 rv R o,
    res_type R = restype_normal ->
    red_stat S C (stat_while_1 labs e1 t2 rv) o ->
    red_stat S C (stat_while_6 labs e1 t2 rv R) o

Another example: semantics of the toString method from Object.prototype.

| red_spec_call_object_proto_to_string : forall S C vthis args o, 
    red_expr S C (spec_call_object_proto_to_string_1 vthis) o ->
    red_expr S C (spec_call_prealloc prealloc_object_proto_to_string vthis args) o

| red_spec_call_object_proto_to_string_1_undef : forall S C, 
    red_expr S C (spec_call_object_proto_to_string_1 undef) (out_ter S "[object Undefined]"%string)

| red_spec_call_object_proto_to_string_1_null : forall S C, 
    red_expr S C (spec_call_object_proto_to_string_1 null) (out_ter S "[object Null]"%string)

| red_spec_call_object_proto_to_string_1_other : forall S C v o o1, 
    ~ (v = null \/ v = undef) ->
    red_expr S C (spec_to_object v) o1 ->
    red_expr S C (spec_call_object_proto_to_string_2 o1) o ->
    red_expr S C (spec_call_object_proto_to_string_1 v) o

| red_spec_call_object_proto_to_string_2 : forall S0 S C l s sclass,
    object_class S l sclass ->
    s = "[object " ++ sclass ++ "]" ->
    red_expr S0 C (spec_call_object_proto_to_string_2 (out_ter S l)) (out_ter S s)

For additional examples, we refer to the source file.

Important auxiliary definitions (JsPrettyInterm.v)

One important auxiliary definition is that of name resolution, which walks up the prototype chain until finding either a binding for the given name or reaches a null prototype. It is described by the following inductive relation.

Inductive search_proto_chain : state -> object_loc -> prop_name -> option object_loc -> Prop :=
  | search_proto_chain_found : forall S l x,
                                 object_has_property S l x ->
                                 search_proto_chain S l x (Some l)
  | search_proto_chain_not_found : forall S l x,
                                     not (object_has_property S l x) ->
                                     object_proto S l prim_null ->
                                     search_proto_chain S l x None
  | search_proto_chain_inductive : forall S l x v l' res,
                                     not (object_has_property S l x) ->
                                     object_proto S l (value_object l') ->
                                     search_proto_chain S l' x res ->
                                     search_proto_chain S l x res.

Another important auxiliary definition is that of argument instantiation. When more arguments than expected by a function are provided, extra arguments are dropped. When fewer arguments than expected are provided, missing arguments are replaced with "undefined". The relation "arguments_from" formalizes this.

Inductive arguments_from : list value -> list value -> Prop :=
 | arguments_from_nil : forall Vs,
      arguments_from Vs nil
 | arguments_from_undef : forall Vs: list value,
      arguments_from nil Vs ->
      arguments_from nil (undef::Vs)
 | arguments_from_cons : forall Vs1 Vs2 v,
      arguments_from Vs1 Vs2 ->
      arguments_from (v::Vs1) (v::Vs2).

For example, given a list of values "args" provided as arguments, and given a value "v", which denotes the first argument, the relation "arguments_from args (v1::v2::nil)" will force "v1" to be equal to the head of the list "args", and "v2" to the second argument of the list, or to "undefined" if the list is shorter.

Pretty-big-step abort rules (JsPrettyInterm.v and JsPrettyRules.v)

Consider the abort rule for statements. This rule states that if an intermediate form "contains" an outcome "o" which is an "abort behavior", and that it is not "intercepted", then the result of evaluating the intermediate form should be "o", meaning that the behavior "o" propagates outwards. For example, an exception result would typically propagate outwards of statements, unless it reaches a "try-catch" construct that intercepts it.

| red_stat_abort : forall S C extt o, (* called red_stat_exception in POPL14 *)
    out_of_ext_stat extt = Some o ->
    abort o ->
    ~ abort_intercepted_stat extt ->
    red_stat S C extt o

An outcome "o" statisfies the "abort" predicate if it corresponds to an abrupt behavior (i.e., a result whose result-type is not "normal"), or if it corresponds to divergence.

Inductive abort : out -> Prop :=
  | abort_div :
      abort out_div
  | abort_not_normal : forall S R,
      ~ res_is_normal R ->
      abort (out_ter S R).

An intermediate form "contains" an outcome "o" if "o" is one of its arguments. This definition is formalized by the function "out_of_ext_stat", which returns an option: either the outcome that it carries (there may be at most one, by construction of the pretty-big-step semantics), or None otherwise. The first few lines of this definition are shown below.

Definition out_of_ext_stat (p : ext_stat) : option out :=
  match p with
  | stat_expr_1 (specret_out o) => Some o
  | stat_expr_1 (specret_val _ _) => None
  | stat_basic _ => None

  | stat_block_1 o _ => Some o
  | stat_block_2 _ o => Some o

  | stat_label_1 _ o => Some o

  | stat_var_decl_1 o _ => Some o
  | stat_var_decl_item _ => None
  | stat_var_decl_item_1 _ y _ => out_of_specret y
  | stat_var_decl_item_2 _ _ y => out_of_specret y
  | stat_var_decl_item_3 _ o => Some o

  | stat_if_1 y _ _ => out_of_specret y

  | stat_while_1 _ _ _ _ => None
  | stat_while_2 _ _ _ _ y => out_of_specret y
  | stat_while_3 _ _ _ _ o => Some o
  | stat_while_4 _ _ _ _ _ => None
  | stat_while_5 _ _ _ _ _ => None
  | stat_while_6 _ _ _ _ _ => None

The case where abrupt behaviors are intercepted is described by the predicate "abort_intercepted_stat". We show below the beginning of its definition.

Inductive abort_intercepted_stat : ext_stat -> Prop :=

  | abort_intercepted_stat_block_2 : forall S R rv,
      abort_intercepted_stat (stat_block_2 rv (out_ter S R))
  | abort_intercepted_stat_label_1 : forall lab rv S R,
      R = res_intro restype_break rv lab ->
      abort_intercepted_stat (stat_label_1 lab (out_ter S R))
  | abort_intercepted_do_while_2 : forall labs e1 t2 rv S R,
      res_label_in R labs ->
      (res_type R = restype_continue \/ res_type R = restype_break) ->
      abort_intercepted_stat (stat_do_while_2 labs t2 e1 rv (out_ter S R))
  | abort_intercepted_while_3 : forall labs e1 t2 rv S R,
      res_label_in R labs ->
      (res_type R = restype_continue \/ res_type R = restype_break) ->
      abort_intercepted_stat (stat_while_3 labs e1 t2 rv (out_ter S R))
  | abort_intercepted_stat_try_1 : forall S R cb fo,
      res_type R = restype_throw ->
      abort_intercepted_stat (stat_try_1 (out_ter S R) (Some cb) fo)
  | abort_intercepted_stat_try_3 : forall S R fo,
      abort_intercepted_stat (stat_try_3 (out_ter S R) fo)

For example, the rule "abort_intercepted_stat_try_1" states that a result of type "throw" is intercepted by a "try" statement if there is a catch clause, and the rule "abort_intercepted_stat_try_3" states that any behavior is intercepted at the end of processing the finally clause. By "intercepted", we mean that the generic abort rule "red_stat_abort" does not apply in the semantics; instead, evaluation is described by specific evaluation rules from the definition of the predicate "red_stat".

We have shown above definitions relative to statements. We rely on similar definitions for expressions and programs.

Interpreter definition (JsInterpreter.v)

The JSRef interpreter performs the execution of JS entities. It produces result of type "resultof T", which may be one of: some result of type T, an error capturing the fact that the interpreter reached a non-formalized feature, an error capturing the fact that an internal invariant is broken (never happens in practice), or an error capturing the fact that the interpreter exceeded the recursion limit (in this case the state reached is returned).

Inductive resultof T :=
  | result_some : T -> resultof T
  | result_not_yet_implemented
  | result_impossible
  | result_bottom : state -> resultof T.

Note that some interpreter functions return a JS result (i.e. a completion triple), while other functions, which implement internal JS methods, return other type of values. We refer to the paper for additional details on the definition of the type "specres", which implements this disjunction.

Definition specres T := resultof (specret T).

The file JsInterpreter contains definitions that can be used to build a record of type "runs_type", which contains entry points to the key functions to execute JS entities. The role of this record is to allow to break down the definition of the interpreter into pieces, avoiding a giant mutually-recursive function.

Record runs_type : Type := runs_type_intro {
    runs_type_expr : state -> execution_ctx -> expr -> result;
    runs_type_stat : state -> execution_ctx -> stat -> result;
    runs_type_prog : state -> execution_ctx -> prog -> result;
    runs_type_call : state -> execution_ctx -> object_loc -> value -> list value -> result;
    runs_type_function_has_instance : state -> object_loc -> value -> result;
    runs_type_stat_while : state -> execution_ctx -> resvalue -> label_set -> expr -> stat -> result;
    runs_type_stat_do_while : state -> execution_ctx -> resvalue -> label_set -> expr -> stat -> result;
    runs_type_stat_for_loop : state -> execution_ctx -> label_set -> resvalue -> option expr -> option expr -> stat -> result;
    runs_type_object_delete : state -> execution_ctx -> object_loc -> prop_name -> bool -> result;
    runs_type_object_get_own_prop : state -> execution_ctx -> object_loc -> prop_name -> specres full_descriptor;
    runs_type_object_get_prop : state -> execution_ctx -> object_loc -> prop_name -> specres full_descriptor;
    runs_type_object_get : state -> execution_ctx -> object_loc -> prop_name -> result;
    runs_type_object_proto_is_prototype_of : state -> object_loc -> object_loc -> result;
    runs_type_object_put : state -> execution_ctx -> object_loc -> prop_name -> value -> strictness_flag -> result;
    runs_type_equal : state -> execution_ctx -> value -> value -> result;
    runs_type_to_integer : state -> execution_ctx -> value -> result;
    runs_type_to_string : state -> execution_ctx -> value -> result

The file JsInterpreter provides a function, called "runs", which expects as argument the maximal recursion depth and returns a record of type "runs_type". Ultimately, the result of "runs" can be provided as argument to the function "run_javascript", in order to execute a given JS program "p".

Definition run_javascript runs p : result :=
  let S := state_initial in
  let p' := add_infos_prog strictness_false p in
  let C := execution_ctx_initial (prog_intro_strictness p') in
  if_void (execution_ctx_binding_inst runs S C codetype_global None p' nil) (fun S' =>
    runs_type_prog runs S' C p').

The implementation of "runs" relies on a collection of auxiliary functions. For example, we show below a few definitions: execution of "access", of "if", of "while". The interpreter is implemented in monadic style and makes heavy use of coercions (saving the need to write hundred of constructors explicitly), in particular the "return" constructor of the monad we use). Note that we don't use a single "bind" operator but instead a collection of specialized bind operators, named "if_*", that allow us to binds results at their expected type. We refer to the paper for additional details

Definition run_expr_access runs S C e1 e2 : result :=
  if_spec (run_expr_get_value runs S C e1) (fun S1 v1 =>
    if_spec (run_expr_get_value runs S1 C e2) (fun S2 v2 =>
      ifb v1 = prim_undef \/ v1 = prim_null then
        run_error S2 native_error_type
        if_string (to_string runs S2 C v2) (fun S3 x =>
          res_ter S3 (ref_create_value v1 x (execution_ctx_strict C))))).
Definition run_stat_if runs S C e1 t2 to : result :=
  if_spec (run_expr_get_value runs S C e1) (fun S1 v1 =>
    Let b := convert_value_to_boolean v1 in
    if b then
      runs_type_stat runs S1 C t2
      match to with
      | Some t3 =>
        runs_type_stat runs S1 C t3
      | None =>
        out_ter S1 resvalue_empty
Definition run_stat_while runs S C rv labs e1 t2 : result :=
  if_spec (run_expr_get_value runs S C e1) (fun S1 v1 =>
    Let b := convert_value_to_boolean v1 in
    if b then
      if_ter (runs_type_stat runs S1 C t2) (fun S2 R =>
        Let rv' := ifb res_value R <> resvalue_empty then res_value R else rv in
        Let loop := fun _ => runs_type_stat_while runs S2 C rv' labs e1 t2 in
        ifb res_type R <> restype_continue
             \/ ~ res_label_in R labs then (
           ifb res_type R = restype_break /\ res_label_in R labs then
              res_ter S2 rv'
           else (
              ifb res_type R <> restype_normal then
                res_ter S2 R
              else loop tt
        ) else loop tt)
    else res_ter S1 rv).

Correctness theorem (JsCorrectness.v)

We prove that if our interpreter run a javascript program "p" with any recursion depth limit "num" and produces as result some outcome "o", then it means that the program "p" is related to the behavior "o" by the inductive semantics.

Corollary run_javascript_correct_num : forall num p o,
  run_javascript (runs num) p = result_out o ->
  red_javascript p o.

The proof consists in showing that each of the functions used in the definition of the interpreter is correct, assuming that recursive calls are made with a correct interpreter. This property is captured by the record whose definition is shown below.

Record runs_type_correct runs :=
  make_runs_type_correct {
    runs_type_correct_expr : forall S C e o,
       runs_type_expr runs S C e = o ->
       red_expr S C (expr_basic e) o;
    runs_type_correct_stat : forall S C t o,
       runs_type_stat runs S C t = o ->
       red_stat S C (stat_basic t) o;
    runs_type_correct_prog : forall S C p o,
       runs_type_prog runs S C p = o ->
       red_prog S C (prog_basic p) o;
    runs_type_correct_call : forall S C l v vs o,
       runs_type_call runs S C l v vs = o ->
       red_expr S C (spec_call l v vs) o;
    runs_type_correct_function_has_instance : forall S C (lo lv : object_loc) o,
       runs_type_function_has_instance runs S lo lv = o ->
       red_expr S C (spec_function_has_instance_2 lv lo) o;
    runs_type_correct_stat_while : forall S C rv ls e t o,
       runs_type_stat_while runs S C rv ls e t = o ->
       red_stat S C (stat_while_1 ls e t rv) o;
    runs_type_correct_stat_do_while : forall S C rv ls e t o,
       runs_type_stat_do_while runs S C rv ls e t = o ->
       red_stat S C (stat_do_while_1 ls t e rv) o;
    runs_type_correct_stat_for_loop : forall S C labs rv eo2 eo3 t o,
       runs_type_stat_for_loop runs S C labs rv eo2 eo3 t = o ->
       red_stat S C (stat_for_2 labs rv eo2 eo3 t) o;
    runs_type_correct_object_delete : forall S C l x str o,
       runs_type_object_delete runs S C l x str = o ->
       red_expr S C (spec_object_delete l x str) o;
    runs_type_correct_object_get_own_prop : forall S C l x sp,
       runs_type_object_get_own_prop runs S C l x = result_some sp ->
       red_spec S C (spec_object_get_own_prop l x) sp;
    runs_type_correct_object_get_prop : forall S C l x sp,
       runs_type_object_get_prop runs S C l x = result_some sp ->
       red_spec S C (spec_object_get_prop l x) sp;
    runs_type_correct_object_get : forall S C l x o,
       runs_type_object_get runs S C l x = o ->
       red_expr S C (spec_object_get l x) o;
    runs_type_correct_object_proto_is_prototype_of : forall S C lthis l o,
       runs_type_object_proto_is_prototype_of runs S lthis l = o ->
       red_expr S C (spec_call_object_proto_is_prototype_of_2_3 lthis l) o;
    runs_type_correct_object_put : forall S C l x v str o,
       runs_type_object_put runs S C l x v str = o ->
       red_expr S C (spec_object_put l x v str) o;
    runs_type_correct_equal : forall S C v1 v2 o,
       runs_type_equal runs S C v1 v2 = o ->
       red_expr S C (spec_equal v1 v2) o;
    runs_type_correct_to_integer : forall S C v o,
       runs_type_to_integer runs S C v = o ->
       red_expr S C (spec_to_integer v) o;
    runs_type_correct_to_string : forall S C v o,
       runs_type_to_string runs S C v = o ->
       red_expr S C (spec_to_string v) o

The proof scripts relies on lemmas and tactics with which we are able to automate the reasoning about calls to monadic operators. Thanks to these tactics, we basically only need to follow the structure of the code and provide the name of the evaluation rules that are involved in justifying the correctness of the code. We illustrate this with the proof associated with while statements.

Lemma run_stat_while_correct : forall runs S C rv ls e t o,
  runs_type_correct runs ->
  run_stat_while runs S C rv ls e t = o ->
  red_stat S C (stat_while_1 ls e t rv) o.
  intros runs IH ls e t S C rv o R. unfolds in R.
  run_pre. lets (y1&R2&K): if_spec_post_to_bool (rm R1) (rm R).
   applys~ red_stat_while_1 (rm R2). run_post_if_spec_ter_post_bool K.
    run red_stat_while_2_true.
     let_name. let_simpl. applys red_stat_while_3 rv'. case_if; case_if*.
     case_if in K.
       applys red_stat_while_4_not_continue. rew_logic*. case_if in K.
         run_inv. applys* red_stat_while_5_break.
         applys* red_stat_while_5_not_break. case_if in K; run_inv.
           applys* red_stat_while_6_abort.
           applys* red_stat_while_6_normal. run_hyp*.
       rew_logic in *. applys* red_stat_while_4_continue. run_hyp*.
   run_inv. applys red_stat_while_2_false.